what does your dreams means
Interpretation of dream: A neighbour
A neighbour

Or close associate usually appears in a dream to highlight a particular quality in that person. Somebody else's mother, father, brother etc. may suggest our own family members or possibly jealousy. To interpret why we have adopted a particular role we would need to examine their lifestyle. When there is some conflict within us between love and aversion for a particular person we are more likely to dream about them. Often in dreams there may be a noted difference between two of the participants to illustrate two sides of our thoughts and feelings. Similarly there may be a marked contrast in the way we handle a situation with two of our dream characters. It is as though two options are being practised. As with composite animals, the composite character will emphasize one characteristic or quality in order to draw our attention to it. The fact that it is not just one person emphasizes the many-faceted human being. Every character who appears in our dreams is a reflection of a facet or part of our own personality and can often be better understood if we put ourselves in the position of that person.